Muchas mascotas se reencuentran con sus familias tras huir despavoridas por una tragedia

Gracias al trabajo incansable de los voluntarios, más de 20 personas han podido reencontrase con sus mascotas después de la tragedia del 04 de agosto en Beirut, la capital del Libano en la que una explosión dejó a su paso desolación y miles de afectados, entre ellos muchos animales heridos.

Este lamentable accidente causó la muerte de más de 150 personas y 5.000 heridos, algunos de ellos en estado grave. Los centros de asistencia sanitaria colapsaron y gran parte de los habitantes no han podido regresar a sus casas porque han quedado devastadas.

Rescued from Beirut blast rubble after one week of trying!

Rescued from Beirut blast rubble after one week of trying! One case touched us all, Simba’s home was destroyed and his family were injured and had to get medical help. Our team has been trying to trap Simba for the past 5 days but he was just too afraid. Our team kept hearing his frightful meows but he was always hiding under the rubble of the house. One of our team members got injured from broken glass while trying to crawl under the rubble to get to him.Simba’s guardians came by yesterday and were elated to know he was still alive. Simba came running to them when he heard their voice but was still too afraid to be caught.Finally with a joint effort and his guardian calling out to him , Kamal was able to catch him and safely place him in the carrier. Simba’s guardians were so grateful for being reunited. They lost so much in the blast and this was a glimmer of hope to them. We were told that Simba did not stop purring throughout the day he was safely back with them Animals Lebanon team has been on the ground since day one organizing search teams for all the displaced pets during this horrific disaster. Over 250 volunteers have been with us on the ground, coming from all over Lebanon and we are so grateful for their amazing support! Our efforts have reunited over 90 animals with their guardians. So many of the guardians have been injured and were so happy to see their pets again. We are providing food and medical care for the pets of the families who were affected by the blast. There are still many rescued animals we are temporarily caring for, those that have guardians who have passed away or guardians that cannot currently care for them and strays that were injured during the blast. People continue to call on us hourly to help rescue their own pets who got stuck or lost during the explosion.Our Search and Rescue Team will be on the ground today and all this weekGathering point – next to Hawa chicken Ashrafieh/Tabaris – our tent is set up in the small garden after hawa chickenTime – 3 pmContact us at for help if: – You are looking for your lost pet – If there is an injured animal. we will cover the cost – You need food and supplies for your pet – You have found a pet that you believe belongs to someone To help us continue our mission please DONATE through PayPal –❤️Our hearts will always be with the people, those who got affected, those who lost people, those who were injured and those who lost their homes❤️

Publicada por Animals Lebanon en Jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

Los residentes manifestaron su angustia por toda la triste situación, muchos de ellos han tratado de encontrar a sus mascotas. Durante la explosión muchos animales salieron corriendo asustados, huyendo de los estruendosos ruidos sin saber a dónde ir.

Afortunadamente, una de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro del Líbano, Animals Lebanon, ha trabajado sin parar para dar con todos los animales extraviados y hacer posible el rencuentro con sus dueños.

Según Jason Mier, el director de la ONG Animals Lebanon, estos reencuentros han sido uno de los pocos motivos de alegría para las personas en medio de tanta desolación.

Para que esto sea posible, la ONG lo primero que hace es publicar en su cuenta de Facebook las fotos de los animales perdidos para que, si alguien los encuentra sepa dónde llevarlos.

Gran parte del edificio donde funcionaba esta ONG fue afectada por la explosión, dejando algunos de los gatos con heridas, que por suerte fueron leves.

Major explosion rocks Beirut!

Major explosion rocks Beirut!Government now declares Beirut a disaster city.At 6:00 this afternoon a major explosion at the port rocked all of Beirut.Initial reports of over 60 dead and 3,000 injured.Entire buildings and homes were destroyed, and significant damage throughout the whole city.What happened is absolutely shocking.Our hearts go out to everyone.Animals Lebanon’s office was damaged and windows blew out. Animals were injured from the glass and there were bloody prints everywhere by the time we could make it to the office.We rushed some animals to the vet for urgent care from the cuts.Our team is now out in Beirut helping people whose pets were injured or lost in the explosion.If you need help email your phone number and location and any details to contact@animalslebanon.orgWe are organizing teams tomorrow to help with injured or lost pets. If you can join in tomorrow to assist email your number to contact@animalslebanon.orgSupport us through PayPal – will share more updates when we can.

Publicada por Animals Lebanon en Martes, 4 de agosto de 2020

Después de largos días de arduo trabajo y a pesar de los graves daños en el edificio, cerca de 20 animales ya están con sus dueños. Estos emotivos encuentros también han sido publicados en la página de Facebook de Animals Lebanon.

«El objetivo realmente es reunir a las personas con sus mascotas perdidas, y eso ha funcionado bien porque hemos encontrado los dueños de al menos 20 perros y gatos», dijo Jason.

More injured animals being found under the Beirut Blast rubble

More injured animals being found under the Beirut Blast rubble The first week of our efforts reunited so many pets with their guardians. But now we are finding more and more injured animals that were likely hiding in the initial shock, as well as rescuing injured animals from other areas that need help.A kitten that had her jaw broken and took us days to be able to trap.Kittens and their mom hiding in a building about to collapse.A cat with severe internal bleeding.A cat that had facial trauma (rescued from another area)A kitten freaking out from shock.A kitten with an injured eye and broken leg.And also a pet in the rubble that our volunteers had to jump over the balconies to get to and reunite with his guardian.Animals Lebanon team has been on the ground since day one organizing search teams for all the displaced pets during this horrific disaster. Over 250 volunteers have been with us on the ground, coming from all over Lebanon and we are so grateful for their amazing support! We are providing food and medical care for the pets of the families who were affected by the blast. There are still many rescued animals we are temporarily caring for, those that have guardians who have passed away or guardians that cannot currently care for them and many strays that were injured during the blast. Our Search and Rescue Team will be on the ground today and all this weekGathering point – next to Hawa chicken Ashrafieh/Tabaris – our tent is set up in the small garden after hawa chickenTime – 3 pmContact us at for help if: – You are looking for your lost pet – If there is an injured animal. we will cover the cost – You need food and supplies for your pet – You have found a pet that you believe belongs to someone To help us continue our mission please DONATE -❤️Our hearts will always be with the people, those who got affected, those who lost people, those who were injured and those who lost their homes❤️

Publicada por Animals Lebanon en Viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

A pesar del esfuerzo, los voluntarios están desbordados de trabajo porque han recibido centenares de solicitudes de personas pidiendo ayuda, y están pidiendo que más gente se una en esta hermosa labor.

“Solo en el día de hoy más de 40 personas han salido a las calles a trabajar, en grupos de 2 o 3. Nuestro objetivo es seguir trabajando. Sabemos que estamos haciendo felices a muchas personas”, señala Jason.

También están pidiendo ayuda a veterinarios que puedan apoyarles con la atención de los animales que están heridos.

«El objetivo es seguir adelante, sé que estamos haciendo feliz a la gente, pero es abrumador para todos», añadió Jason.

Aplaudimos está gran iniciativa, gracias a ella no solo los dueños pueden reunirse con sus mascotas, sino que, también muchos animales han logrado sobrevivir.Comparte esta noticia.

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